Greek Chicken
This greek chicken recipe I adapted from Jeremy Mansfields Book Zhoozsh and was incredibly simple and really delicious. It has a minimal number of ingredients, takes very little time to prepare and can be done for a large crowd with no hassle at all. (2 people or for 1 very hungry person)
What you need
6 chicken pieces skin on(thighs are great)
2 tablespoons flour
Olive oil
1 teaspoon tobasco
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
2 or 3 baby onions halved
large handful of roughly chopped mushrooms, about 1/2 punnet
1/2 bottle Greek salad dressing
Palm of chopped fresh parsley
The process
Heat your oven to 180 Celsius, Pour about 1 tablespoon of oil into the bottom of a roasting pan. Then take a little more olive oil in your hands and rub it over the chicken pieces and dust with the flour. Place the chicken pieces in the pan and pop in the oven for 20 minutes.
Remove from the oven and place the whole lot, including juices into a casserole dish, add the onions, pour over the salad dressing and lemon juice and cook for 10 minutes, check on it, add the mushrooms, give it a stir and cook for another 10 minutes in the oven with the lid on.
The flour thickens the sauce and it turns out rustic and delicious.
Toss over the parsley and serve with rice, or boiled baby potatoes tossed in butter. Try out the Apricot chicken recipe for a similar easy to make chicken recipe.
Hi Graham,
Just wanted to say thanks for all the awesome recipes.
You are so welcome Lurica, what an interesting name, what is the origin? Cheers for now G
Hi Graham, I really enjoy your recipes — easy and very tasty! Perhaps you could point me in the right direction for ‘one pot’ suppers that are easy and tasty?
With thanks
Most of the stew recipes here are one pot type dinners but you may wish to try these one pot recipes.
Cheers G
Great and so simple!! 1 st had at a friends 50th birthday dinner abd have made myself several times!!
So easy yet so good
Fantastic Jill, easy and tasty is what I like too.. Have a lekker day G
I used 150ml Ina Paarman Greek salad dressing. Next time I will use skinless thighs as I felt that even though the chicken tasted good the dish looked a bit too pale.
Hi there Graham,
I finally used this receipe for our Sunday lunch yesterday, but I used a whole chicken instead (roast style) doing your potatoe bake….thanks! the chicken and paotaoes were a HIT AGAIN!. The chicken was so soft and tastey.
Thanks alot again.
Hey thats great Frankie, t’s a foolproof one that is close by for the summer months.. Cheers G