Sweet butternut

Sweet butternut

I have been asked quite a few times how to get kids eating vegetables and actually enjoying them. Well, this butternut recipe includes apples with a little orange juice which naturally sweetens the vegetables and really tastes fantastic. Butternut with apple is a great Christmas vegetable where nice sweetened vegetables go beautifully with the glazed gammon recipe and will have the kids tucking into the vegetables. (6 servings)

What you need

1 butternut chopped
3 apples chopped
Zest of 1 orange
1 tablespoon grated ginger
Sueeze of orange juice
Pinch of cinnamon
Olive oil

The process

Peel, seed and chop up the butternut into bite size pieces. Place a pot of water on the stove, bring to the boil and steam the butternut for about 5 minutes to soften slightly.

While the butternut is steaming chop up the apple into similar size pieces.

Now take an oven dish, scatter the butternut and apple into the dish, drizzle a little olive oil over the pieces, sprinkle over the orange zest, grate over the ginger and sprinkle over the cinnamon. Now sueeze 1/2 the zested orange over the top.

Pop it into a 200 Celsius oven for about 20 minutes or until soft.

Could not be easier, delicious sweet butternut with apples. The picture is of butternut only which has been sweetened in the same way.

Don’t forget the rest of the Christmas recipes.
