Chicken Waldorf Salad
This is a variation on a Waldorf salad that’s really great for hot summer days and perfect to take to work or school for lunch. Wa;dorf salads don’t usually use chicken but believe me, this is a really great salad, crunchy, satisfying and seriously delicious. Good for 4 people.
What you need
500g red apples sliced
500g cooked chicken
6 sticks celery sliced finely
2 spring onions chopped
Heaped palm of chopped walnuts
Palm of raisins
½ cup mayonnaise
Juice of 1 lemon
The process
Place the sliced apples in a bowl with the lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of the mayonnaise and marinate while you prepare the rest of the salad.
Chop up the chicken into bite sized pieces, add the chopped walnuts, celery, raisins nad spring onions. Then add the rest of the mayonnaise and mix well, add the marinated apples and combine it all very well.
Cover the base of a serving dish with washed lettuce leaves and pile on the mixture.
Serve as is.
If you liked this recipe you will also enjoy the Chicken rice salad and the Chicken pasta salad.
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