The weather has been great the last few days and it’s time to prepare your arsenal for the summer parties ahead. Mojito’s are a classic and justthe thing to kick off summer.
What you need
1 teaspoon caster sugar
Juice from 2 limes, about 2 tots
2 tots white Rum, like Bacardi
2 tots soda water
4 mint leaves
1 sprig of mint and lemon slice to garnish
The process
You should prepare this in a shaker or a really thick glass before transferring to a long slim collins glass.
Break up the mint leaves and toss them into the shaker, quarter the limes, squueeze out as much of the juice as you can and toss them into the shaker. Add the caster sugar and give the contents a crushing with a mortar or a wooden spoon. You get the idea, they need to be crushed to extract the last of the juice from the limes and to release the flavor from the mint.
Add the rum and and fill the shaker with ice.
Give it a good shake, remove the top and add the soda water and give it one last shake.
Pour everything from the shaker into the glass, garnish with a slice of lemon and away you go.
Hi Kim, Nice to have you back. I’m travelling at the moment so will post again soon. Roll on summer
Hey Graham, I haven’t been to visit for a while, great to see you starting to post summer drinks and this just happens to be one of them that I like now I can have them at home which is less expensive than at bars and I can have lots without having to drive, enjoying then on my patio.